
The Emperor's New Clothes or Why Most People Should Not Be In Charge

If it is possible to understate a made up fact, I gonna try: 99% of people who are in charge should not be.  I’m talking about political leaders, bosses, police chiefs, Senior Patrol Leaders in the scouts...most of you- more than 99%who currently hold those offices- should not have the position that you currently do.

We know you took the job for the money or the authority or both and those are the exact reasons that you should be brought to the town square and flogged. Now, 99% of us have the jobs we have for the money, so this is not a commentary on greed or capitalism. It is a commentary on how we allowed the worst sort to have positions of leadership.

Just about everyone has had a boss, teacher, coach that they despise. These leaders turn despotic at the first sniff of power and do little to inspire, educated or lead those in their charge. I’m not saying that everyone in a leadership position needs to be the Philosopher King, but wouldn’t it be nice?

Wouldn't it be nice if just once we had a selfless boss who put your needs and the needs of the company ahead of their own? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have a Senator that couldn’t be bought? Or a supervisor that would stand up for you in the office place instead of selling you out for an “atta boy”?

I know the world is a cut throat place where the nice get their collective throats stepped on by those who place individual want over universal need. But why would we want that dick in charge? Plato says it best: “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

If you are tired of having your throat stepped on then tuck your chin, stand up and fight for yourself and for those around you that are to meek to tuck their chin. If you have it in you to make a change, if you contain a modicum of temerity then you must act. If you do not then you are worse than the lowest tyrant.

Your act does not have to be one of martyrdom.  You can simply say, “hey, stop being a dick” or “you may think that your managerial style is above reproach but it is sorely lacking the tenets of leadership that we require as a staff.” Do not ever be afraid to tell the emperor that he/she is naked-they may thank you for it or they may have you executed but your conscious-the thing making you cuss your “leader” out in traffic or under your breath in the meeting-will be free. 

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