
Frog Soup: Global Warming equals Waterworld

The sky is falling! Wolf! Fire! Help!

No, seriously, the sky is falling. It may seem like rain or snow, but this is the beginning of the end. Those who expected the end to come swiftly, I am sorry to tell you that it is coming slowly and surely-like a cold front. Much like a weather pattern, this was forecasted by scientists and tree-huggers alike, the end of life as we know it will come drop by drop.

A frog on a hot plate has been an apt metaphor for humanity’s response to global warming. Even though the frog dies at the end of that particular parable, no measures have been taken to see to it that we do not share the same fate. Why is that?

It seems to me that we should be doing something. Well, we are. We are debating whether or not global warming is a fact that should be viewed as an imminent threat or a trend that comes as a result of the Earth doing its thing. Though either way we are doomed to tread water until the next ice age reclaims the additional water in the atmosphere.

What additional water? Well check out the headlines from the last few days:

CNN: “Soggy SoCal facing even more rain, flooding, forecasters say”-12/22/10
BBC: “BAA boss refuses bonus over snow”- 12/22/10
NY Times: “Ill Prepared for Snowfall, Britain Crawls to a Halt”-12/20/10

Now this is just recent news, there have been stories of record weather all around the world throughout the past decade. Is it possible that this is normal when records are being broken? Records that have stood for over 100 years are being shattered by the amounts of precipitation we have received in the past few years and we are supposed to believe that this is a normal trend.

There is evidence that the amount of CO2 is the atmosphere is higher than it has ever been which is causing greenhouse gasses to be trapped, thus heating the Earth, causing the ice caps to melt and introducing more water into the atmosphere. This isn’t voodoo-it is actual measurable science and it is being batted away like the fevered daydream of a child with an over active imagination.

I thought that once capital was affected by this turn of events, we would see some sweeping changes to ensure that corporations the world over stayed in the black.  What did we get: Toyota Prius. Nice. Fossil fuel dependence is the bane of human existence. I will put it on the same level as terrorism. What the Prius and “solutions” of its ilk have done is extend the usage of fossil fuels beyond the foreseeable horizon.  This is akin to tying on more fuse to delay the inevitable explosion instead of cutting the fuse.

Are the changes that would be required to stem the tide to severe that global flooding is a better alternative? What do we need to do: stop burning fossil fuels, recycle more, plant trees-basically respect our planet. Is this too high a cost? Has personal freedom cost us a place to live? It seems so.

There is money to be made in green technology. The Soot Mongers would like to keep things as they are-shame on them. Change is the only constant and we know why we need to change from our ways. That they are lobbying against this change means that they are lobbying against our future. Meanwhile the heat is on. Ribbit. 

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