
An open letter to the movie going public

I consider myself a Die Hard movie patron, I hope you are Die Hard 2, and I have noticed a Clear and Present Danger in the movie viewing experience.

There seems to be no Sense and Sensibility to the thought processes of my fellow movie goers and the theaters themselves. I have been to the movies in the last month almost as many times as I’ve been to class and I have noticed a general lack of common sense and civility. 

First of all I paid My Left Foot just to get in the door and For a Few Dollars More I might be able to eat.
This is another issue I have with going to the movies.  Price of concessions has gone From Here to Eternity.  An article on CNNMoney.com states that “A medium bag of popcorn costs just 60 cents to make but retails for $6, a whopping 900% markup.” I’m not Clueless, I know the movie biz is all about money, but apparently The Color of Money is “movie theater butter yellow”.

The second most offensive thing that can occur during a night out at the movies, besides paying for popcorn, is hearing the conversations of people during the movie itself. When I do go to the movies it is with The Usual Suspects-my best friends, and in our youthful exuberance we will on occasion talk during a movie.  We are aware of the people around us and never speak above a whisper aimed at an ear.  This sentiment has not passed on.

I have had to ask several people in the last few weeks to “please be quiet”. I hate doing this and I shouldn’t have to. You should know to keep your Jaws shut when in a movie theater.  We already have to deal with the White Noise of the popcorn bag and candy wrappers please don’t add your voice to the mix.

I try to go to The Last Picture Show which is usually after midnight. I do this in hopes that there will be less people and definitely no babies. I am often wrong especially on the latter. Parents: if you can’t get a babysitter you don’t go out-period. The last thing I want to deal with at the 12:25am showing of action blockbuster “X” is the incessant cooing or crying of Rosemary’s Baby

Also, Dirty Harry, if you are going to the movies and are going to sit next to me please wear deodorant.
I write this because I want my movie going experience, as well as yours, to be A Night to Remember not because of the Inglorious Basterds who keep txting and talking in the movie but because the film itself is The Greatest Show on Earth. I would like to see the return of ushers to keep the peace so that my friends and I don’t have to become The Warriors.

But be warned, the next time you kick the back of my seat There Will Be Blood.