
Who watches the watchmen?

It's Friday night and you're at a party at your best friend's house. Another beer? Sure, you're 21, why not. Next thing you know you're face down on the sidewalk with a knee in your back and an officer bending your wrists in ways that would make Ted DiBiase proud. The officer is aggressively reminding you that you have the right to remain silent while trying to elicit a noise from the pretzel you once called a forearm.

Slammed against a police cruiser repeatedly and told to "keep your mouth shut" and "please, watch your head" as you are being placed ever so gingerly into a backseat that must have been designed for amputees.

What happened?

Well, odds are you were drunk and disorderly. It's what happens when you drink too much. However, should that mean you become a training dummy for a law-dog who's hell-bent on showing you kids what's good for you? I think not.

Now, if you were to attack an officer, then yes, you deserved that pile driver. But the long money is on the fact that you were mildly intoxicated and had no clue you were being arrested.

So now that you have a few scratches on your face and bruises around your wrists where your pride used to be, what do you do?

You can always file a complaint to the arresting officer's supervisor. You can call the police non-emergency line with the officer's badge number and request a supervisor at your location. That's based on availability, so don't hold your breath. And remember, odds are you were in the wrong and the sober officer was using just force to restrain your drunken and invincible self.

If you feel that you must have justice for the savage beating you took at the hands of the law, then you can also call the department of internal affairs — the police police — to request that the matter be reviewed. That process might take a while and, depending on the offense, the outcome of the review might not be in your favor.

But rest assured, you do have rights and there are procedures to protect you if you feel you have been the victim of an overzealous police officer. The best way to avoid that situation is not to have that 15th beer. It will not erase the pain of losing to Wisconsin.

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